Turkish Musical Instrument

 Turkish Musical Instrument


Turkish music has a very rich structure due to its geographical location. The melodies, especially from Central Asia, Mesopotamia, Arabian peninsula, have a wide structure with musical instruments. This width, both musical instrument and melody, has enabled our music to expand. Turkish music instruments can be evaluated under four main groups as percussion, string, string and wind instruments.

Percussion instruments are mostly used for rhythm purposes. String instruments are generally indispensable special instruments of both our folk music and music. Stringed musical instruments take their place in all kinds of music with different shapes and timbres, while our wind instruments are used in many different ways.


History of Turkish Musical Instrument

The archaeological studies carried out shed light on the learning of Turkish musical instruments and their history. It has been observed with evidence that many musical instruments dating back to 5000 years ago came from Turkish soil. Some data obtained during these historical discoveries show that some of the musical instruments used today were used in primitive ways, much earlier than Jesus.


History of Turkish Musical Instrument


The first instruments that come to the fore in history are a stringed instrument called kopuz. These tanbur-like instruments were played by both bow and hand. When we look at the notes of Evliya Çelebi in the 17th century regarding the developments in the Turkish instruments; we see that the kopuz was leather stretched on the bowls carved from the tree trunks, and then the leaves were replaced instead. Although the origin of the thesis or string instrument has been specified as Asia in some sources, the studies have proven that these were born from Anatolian soil.



The Turks, who merged with Islam over time, adjusted their melodies and timbre according to Islamic colors. These colors caused some musical instruments to be made and some changes. At the point reached today, we can easily see that Turkish music instruments are used in many religious pieces and hymns. This shows how creative the Turks are.


Types of Percussion

Our percussion instruments are very popular and are instruments that have survived to the present day. When we consider Turkish music, we can see that rhythm instruments are used quite a lot. Apart from these, percussion instruments have a significant place in Turkish history as well. These special instruments, which are also used in religious rituals, have the timbre and vibration of presenting different results to the person who wants rhythmically. Among the percussion instruments, the most common ones are;

  • Bendir
  • Darbuka
  • Delbek
  • Drum
  • Halile
  • Nakkare
  • Def
  • Bell
  • Kudüm


Types of Percussion


Types of String instrument

When we look at our stringed instruments in general, we can see that they are separated according to their playing styles. These; It can be classified as string, pleated and percussion string. In some cases, string instruments are considered as a different category. We also found it appropriate to categorize it as it is because of the many tools.

Types of String instrument

1.Stringed String Instrument

  1. Baglama
  2. Cura
  3. Cumbus
  4. Hegit
  5. Qanun
  6. Kopuz
  7. Lavta
  8. Tanbur
  9. Tar
  10. Oud

2.Percussion String Instrument

  1. Santoor

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Types of Bow Instrument

This group, which is included in stringed instruments, is designed in such a way that sound is obtained with the strings traveling on the strings. In our music, string instruments are often used for special names. Some of our major string instruments are;

  • Kabak Violin
  • Kamancheh
  • Violin
  • Kemancha
  • Rebap
  • Yaylı tambur

 Types of Bow Instrument


Types of Wind Instrument

Wind instruments, which we often encounter in religious and Turkish music, are also called wind instruments. In addition to their calm voices, they are at the forefront with their adaptation to the sound.

  • Balaban
  • Pipe
  • Ney
  • Reed
  • Tulum
  • Clarion


Types of Wind Instrument

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As can be seen, the place of music and musical instruments in Turkish culture is quite wide. This wealth is also reflected in the makam, the words and the compositions. Researches have revealed that Turkish music culture is reflected in quite ancient times and has a very different structure for this.

Music was also influenced by Islamic music. For this reason, many percussion or wind instruments have completed their progress in our country. At the point reached today, you can find many handicrafts made by handwork. While these instruments accompany you for many years, they can be kept as a valuable treasure.


  • Deniz

    Thank you Sala Muzik :)

  • ebru

    a rich content about Turkish musical instrument, thanks👍🏻

  • Mertcan A.

    Very good content :) Thank you.

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