8 Famous Oud Players In The World

8 Famous Oud Players In The World


Oud is a musical instrument that is fairly popular in Turkish Music. There is no conclusive evidence for its invention. Most people think it has been invented by Farabi, yet there is no evidence supporting that claim. The only thing known about Farabi’s relation to oud is that he placed the 5th wire in the oud. The sound tones of the 4 wires located before are different from each other. The 5th wire he finds has an important share in his perception as an inventor, since he is different from the others.




Oud is divided into 5 main sections in its structure. The boat (hull) is divided into chest (cap), handle, twist and wires. It has a long body like stringed instruments. Although the structure resembles the guitar, the sounds they make are very different from each other. An element that should not be confused with the guitar is that the guitar can accompany many tunes, while there is no such option in the oud. Although there are many artists playing the oud, we will take a look at only 8.

You can also like: https://salamuzik.com/blogs/news/5-reason-to-start-learning-oud

Turkish Oud Players

In Turkey, which has existed since time immemorial, many players have used the oud musical instrument. We will talk about two of the Turkish oud players that are the most permanent in mind.


Turkish oud players-Yorgo Bacanos


  • Yorgo Bacanos: It was seen asone of the best artists using oud in Turkish music. It is of Greek origin. He lived in Istanbul between 1900 and 1970. Almost all of his family has come across with a different instrument and produced music with them. His famous compositions still continue to be heard.
  • Cevdet Kozanoğlu: He was born and raised in Istanbul. He lived between 1896 and 1986. He has undertaken teaching and teaching duties. He explained to his students the intricacies of playing oud. He is one of the rare artists whose albums are still released among Turkish oud artists. The last album was released in 2003.

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Syrian Oud Players

Being an instrument of the Middle Eastern culture, oud has also been used by artists in Syria. Just as the Syrian oud players in Turkey are also available:


Syrian oud players-Alaa Alkhateb

  • Halit Süleyman: Today, it continues to play oud. He is the most composing artist among Syrian ud players. He is also a university teacher in Syria. It has been named Tatlıses of Syria by its lovers in Syria. He gave some of his compositions to Turkish artists.
  • Alaa Alkhateb: It is one of the best oud players in Syria. He gave many of his compositions such as Halit Süleyman to Turkish artists. However, he continues to work with Turkish musicians. He is currently continuing his postgraduate education at the Turkish Music State Conservatory. On the other hand, he creates his new compositions.

Famous Iraqi Oud Players

One of Turkey's borders with Iraq are played on the oud musical instrument. Just like in Syria, there are many artists playing the oud. Here are famous Iraqi oud players:


Iraqi oud players-Nasir Şemme

  • Nasir Şemme: While continuing to play oud at full speed, it continues to support its country. Due to the oud compositions dating back to Tunisia, he is very interested both in Turkey and abroad. However, he continues to perform concerts for his country now.
  • Ali Hassan: It is called as the rose of Baghdad. His reputation, like Nasir Şemme, has spread all over the world. He stated that he was dreaming to work with Turkish musicians.

They are the most known names among Iraqi oud players. Of course, there is more. Oud is a very popular instrument in every country.

Famous Jewish Oud Players

Music does not have a religious language and race. If more than one country uses a single instrument, there will never be any. Turkish Jews continue to exhibit their own works together with Turkish oud players. Jewish oud players are people who leave quite popular works and compositions:


oud players- İshak Algazi


  • Rabbi Şelomo: He lived during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent and made compositions to Kanuni from his own oud. His works are also available in Hebrew languages. He gave music education to children. In this way, it has instilled the love of music from generation to generation.
  • İshak Algazi: He lived between 1889 and 1950. He resided in Izmir. He had a good education. He took part in all activities under the name of the intellectual society that Atatürk gathered near him. All of Algazi's compositions were composed according to Turkish ethnicities and origins. No matter how Jewish he was shown among the oud players, compositions according to his own religion have almost never been made. There are also plaque studies.

You can also like: What Is Electro Oud? How To Play Electro Oud?


  • Fikri

    Interesting article. I like it.

  • kerem

    very nice, thank you :)))

  • Gizem

    Thanks for sharing such informative article with us.

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